There are a million ways to die. You can be afraid of anything. But, I’m pretty sure this has never appeared on Fear Factor before.   Ever have water ‘go down the wrong pipe’ and choke on droplets and air?   You can drown in just a few teaspoons of water. It’s called dry drowning . While this is more common in children, and adults tend to grow out of it, there is still a fatal chance.   So, the next time you are gasping for air and trying to play it cool, just remember you are in a life or death situation. Most likely you’ll be okay, maybe embarrassed, but okay.   Moral

    “ While we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one ” (Dumbledore – “Goblet of Fire”).   I am young and immersed in the cinematic world of Harry Potter . Dumbledore greets students with these words and I vow to never forget them.   It’s the last year of high school, and I have chosen this as my senior quote. People laugh, but they do not know the comfort and content that Harry Potter brings me.   Years later, I say this quote to my students.   There are a million differences amongst us, but what connects humanity? Our love, passion, and heart. Everyone goes

  How it all ends. The pavement is damp under my black flats as I walk across the parking lot. The weather is freezing and mad at me as it whips around. Climbing into the Jeep, I situate before leaving. Heat on full blast. Coffee cup, still half full and chilled from the remnants of earlier chaos, slips into the holder. The music shuffles. I shuffle it again. Lately, I am becoming disinterested with many of my former music selections. Finally, a bearable song plays through the speakers. I put the car in reverse and leave.   As I pull out of the parking lot, my mind lingers on the act of reversing a car.

  I n the middle of nowhere, on a small farm where the wind blew differently, Cal and Marie lived with their secrets. He was a farmer who wanted to be a man of luxury. She was a farmer’s wife but had always dreamed of something more. They had no kids, but that was not for lack of trying.  Every third Friday of each month, Cal packed his bags. He went into the city and became the best fancy, high-rolling businessman he could be. This got him into all the clubs, rooftop restaurants, and backroom dealings one could imagine. So he grabbed his bags and kissed his wife goodbye. She had the same flicker of