Every person has a unique way of learning. Have you ever watched a video and totally spaced out without catching any information? Or have you ever read the same paragraph over and over again only to realize you still have no idea what is going on? Well, the method you might currently be using may not be the most productive way for you to learn.
At the start of the school year, I review the 4 types of learning with students and ask them to complete a 5 minute quiz. While they may groan about “already having to do work”, this information is crucial. Not only does this help me better understand who they are as learners, it also helps me create material that will benefit them throughout the school year!
The information in this article and the quiz at the end can be used to learn more about yourself, your students, or others!
Kinesthetic learning is a hands-on approach. People who benefit from this learning style value physical activity, practice, and role-play. A great way to incorporate this into the classroom is to use real life examples and case studies. Another option is to have students complete experiments themselves or to act out scenes in the classroom.
Activity Example:
Four Corners
In each corner of the room there is a piece of paper with material on it that relates to the lesson. Students will rotate in groups and write down information on the paper that relates to the specific station they are at during the time allotted. After, the class will discuss the information on each piece of paper to review the overall lesson.
Visual learners appreciate pictures, diagrams, and videos. A great way to utilize this in the classroom is through graphic organizers, charts, and highlighting important information.
Activity Example:
Incorporate Videos When Possible
I have included a video explaining the 4 learning styles, because not everybody will process this information the same just by reading. Use videos (short or long) to show information in a different format.
Another example would be to complete a Venn Diagram with students before they move on to independent work. Modeling what you expect out of students will not only benefit the visual learners, but all students as well!
Listening to music and videos, engaging in discussions and debates, and listening to lectures or oral presentations are all great ways to increase the engagement of an Audio Learner. If allowed, students might be able to record a lecture to playback the information when studying. It can also be helpful to reread notes or assignment instructions out loud.
Activity Example:
Think Pair Share
Pose a question to the class. Provide students a few minutes to think about their answer, then ask students to turn to the person next to them and discuss their thoughts. Students will then tell the class what they discussed with their partner.
Reading & Writing
Reading and Writing might be the most used learning style in school. While this might be out of convenience, it also is a great tool for many people. A few ways this learning style presents itself is through note taking, studying by writing things over and over, and rereading written directions. Students might also reword main ideas or notes to get a better understanding of the concept. People with this learning style may benefit from taking diagrams and graphic organizers to the next level by turning the information into complete sentences.
Activity Example:
Written Reflection
Have students complete an Exit Ticket at the end of class to review the information.
- Name 3 new pieces of information you learned today.
- What do you still have questions about?
- Ask specific questions about the lesson to gage understanding.
To find out how you (or your students) learn best, complete the Learning Style Quiz below!
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